New- no transaction fee for donations!
Juvenile Northern Saw-whet Owl roosting at Whitefish Point © Nova Mackentley
We’ve changed our transaction provider for donations to Zeffy, and for those of you who inquired, you can now set up a monthly donation here:
Most transaction platforms charge at least a 3% processing fee, which is what we had with Stripe. Zeffy is a platform dedicated to passing 100% of donated funds on to non-profits. They do this by offering contributors the option to leave a “tip” similar to GoFundMe. Please be aware that they automatically fill in the tip amount, and that you can change it by clicking on the box and choosing “other”. If you want to learn more about Zeffy and how it supports nonprofits, here is a link: (
Please continue to help the Friends of Whitefish Point as we focus on our mission to continue avian monitoring and natural history research at Whitefish Point! As always, we thank you and appreciate your tremendous support as we get this new organization off the ground.