We are currently accepting donations to fund the 2025 owl banding project. Please join us in our efforts to continue this important research!
Whitefish Point Related Publications
Naturalists have been publishing notes and peer-reviewed papers based upon observations and data collected at Whitefish Point for over 100 years. These publications add to our understanding of avian natural history. This work highlights the importance of Whitefish Point in our understanding of bird movements and population fluctuations as individual species adjust their distribution between breeding habitats and where they spend their non-breeding season. Some of the wealth of Whitefish Point related publications are listed below. Articles are linked to view as a pdf.
Griffith, E. V., C. M. Neri, N. Mackentley, Y. Liu, C. Brandon and A. R. Lindsay. 2024. Fluorescent pigment concentration correlated with both age and sex in Long-eared Owl feathers. Wilson J Ornith. In Press.
Ligon, J. S. 1923. Nesting of Evening Grosbeak in northern Michigan. Auk 40(2):314-316.
Neri, C. M. 2000. Spring owl banding at the point. The Migrant 18(3):7-8
Tyrrell, W. B. 1934. Bird notes from Whitefish Point, Michigan. Auk 51(?):21-26.