First Snowy Owl of the winter

Yesterday we went out looking for Snowy Owls for our work with Project SNOWstorm. We were hoping to capture one that we could put a transmitter on, to better assess their wintering habits and habitats. At the very end of the day, we banded this magnificent young male Snowy Owl. He was a little too small for a transmitter, so we just banded him, took measurements, and released him at the capture site. There are several photos below, but the one I wish I had taken is when Chris landed face first in the snow as he stumbled into a three foot drift, trying to swim through it to the Snowy Owl that was netted.

This is a great example of some of the work we are doing as part of the Friends of Whitefish Point. Please help us bring more people to this organization and share our donation link with friends- every little bit helps!


Owls and full moons and eclipses…oh my!


Grant received and mobile banding lab purchased